Tuesday 23 October 2012

AMSTERDAM by Ian McEwan, Book Review

AmsterdamAmsterdam by Ian McEwan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Picked up the immediately, when I read, 'WINNER OF THE 1998 BOOKER PRIZE,' on the cover page... Lately, I am in man bookers'..

Frankly, I didnt get most of the story.. Maybe its because of the language or maybe, its always the confusing and the books which dont make much sense win the prizes...

But there were quite a few incidents in the story, which gave me goosebumps... it is the incidents I liked in this book - as I didnt understand the story..

I dont literally mean that I didnt understand the story... I understood the story, but after completely reading it there was a question still lingering in my brain - "then what?" When I said I didnt understand the book, I meant that it didnt make much sense. At least, to me. Maybe thats the point. MAybe thats the reason it won the award.

Actually, this is not the first time with me. There were many movies - Inception, for one - which wonmany awards, but didnt make much sense to me... Critics tend to award things which doesnt make sense.. I'm convinced...

And yeah, I am still wondering what has Amsterdam do with the whole story. The last, tiny part of the story ends in Amsterdam. Thats it...

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