Tuesday 28 February 2012

THE MINE by Arnab Ray, Book Review

The MineThe Mine by Arnab Ray

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The cover and the description made me pick this book, thinking it is a horror story.. It was less a horror but a thriller, lot of gruesome blood then bizarre scenes.. Perfect for a bollywood movie.. Since this is my first scary novel, I liked it, but it is not even close to what I have expected.. Considering that this genre is not explored more in Indian fiction writing, it is a pretty decent stuff.. The ending was very predictable and lots of twists in one flow..

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Saturday 25 February 2012

ZERO PERCENTILE – Missed IIT Kissed Russia by Neeraj Chhibba, Book Review

Zero Percentile – Missed IIT Kissed RussiaZero Percentile – Missed IIT Kissed Russia by Neeraj Chhibba

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I first read the the title of the book, I just ignored book thinking it is another college story.. And then, I came across this contest named "Register and win Zero Percentile 2.0" on goodreads.. I registered the contest knowing that I wont be winning it.. Come on, no one wins anything for free, isn't it?

One day, I received a book... Actually, I really won a free sopy of "Zero Percentile 2.0"..

Since I didnt read the first book, I ordered it and read it.. This is how I read this book.

First of all, I want to say this is no college love story.. This is more than that.. It is the story of a guy, named Pankaj (probably the hero), from an Indian lower middle class family.. The story starts from the hero's great-grand father to his grand father to his father to himself in the form of a sperm to himself in his mother's womb to himself in this world.. The story with lot of boring stuff, and the font size is really small which makes you very disinterested in the book... Like, there are many other books from Indian authors, whose font size is very big and the speacing between the lines are huge too, just to fill the pages.. Then after the first 40 pages, it gets interesting.. So interesting that you cant put the book down.. If you are not as bad reader as I am, you can complete this book in one go..

You will like it..

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Wednesday 22 February 2012

Don't Ask Any Old Bloke for Directions: A Biker's Whimsical Journey Across India by P G Tenzing, Book Review

Don't Ask Any Old Bloke for Directions: A Biker's Whimsical Journey Across India Don't Ask Any Old Bloke for Directions: A Biker's Whimsical Journey Across India by P G Tenzing

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book turned out to be very different from what I had expected..

Actually, I was expecting a hippie kind of a guy, on his enfield roaring all over the country living back dust.. Very adventurous stuff, with someone very rich to keep the flow of fuel into his bike.. But the story is completely a contrast to what I have expected.. After completing the book I released that it is some way or the other like the book named "Horn Ok Please - HOPping To Conclusions"..

The book contains the story of a rider -actually pretty old to do something like this- who gives up his IAS job and wants to experience everything which he missed in his youth.. It's not just a story with lot of wierd names of places -which most of the ppl are never heard of-, its the journey of the author across country, in search of his debts to repay from his karmic past... The perfect blend of humour and adventure is irresistable.. Must read!!

Very refreshing, entertaining, exciting and inspiring book!!

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Sunday 19 February 2012

IT'S FIRST LOVE ...JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE! by Sachin Garg, Book Review

It's first love...Just like the last one!It's first love...Just like the last one! by Sachin Garg

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I dont know why, but I kinda started a liking towards this publications, Grapevine India...

Coming to the narrating, its one of the best I have read.. It is so vivid.. It is so clear.. It is in clear detail...

Coming to the story, its not one of the bests, but the few little details in the story is very amazing.. I completed this book in one go.. This is that kind of a book where it forces you to complete it in one go because you expect something very interesting will be coming, and at the end you close the book, thinking 'finally, the book is over'..

The story revolves around Sachin (probably, the hero)... Sachin, a tall, dark and a handsome, falls in love with a girl, Kanika, who joins his college as his junior.. The story goes on by how he gets to win that girl's love.. How he meets a dingy guy, Zaaeshan.. and so on.. The story is slow-paced but queit interesting..

Looking forward for the nxt book..

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Wednesday 15 February 2012

THE DEV - D SYNDROME by Chandraprakash Mohata, Book Review

The Dev - D Syndrome. . . Bringing Emotional Attyachar To A Halt The Dev - D Syndrome. . . Bringing Emotional Attyachar To A Halt by Chandraprakash Mohata

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The title and the cover design of the book gave me a impression as it is the manuscript of "Dev D" movie... But it is nothing like that.. We can also call them complete contrasts..

I got it from a friend of mine.. He is not a reader. This is his first book (ofcourse, I meant his first novel) and it got addicted to reading.. This is not that amazing, but for a starter like him, it is very good..

Talking about the language, it is not very hi-fi, which is a plus for me.. I always wanted the language to be as simple as possible and this book is very good for the language..

The best thing about the book is not the story, its the twists... The story goes very slow and expressively, but all of a sudden at the end, you get blow after blow.. Thats the best part of the whole book...

Good for time pass..

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Thursday 9 February 2012

IF IT'S NOT FOREVER ...IT'S NOT LOVE by Durjoy Datta , Nikita Singh, Book Review

If It's Not Forever. It's Not Love.If It's Not Forever. It's Not Love. by Durjoy Datta

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If it's not forever, it's not love...

Nice title, great cover design. I just picked it up reading the title.. It sounds pretty cool..

The story was pretty good.. Not like anything expected from Durjoy... I started liking his stories now..

Firstly, the very theme is new -atleast for me. Finding a diary and chasing down the story all across India, collecting bits of story, wow, its damn exciting..

Hmmm... there is not much which i could explain, just read it once, it is worth a read..

And ya, its my first signed copy so it is special...

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Saturday 4 February 2012

LOVE WAS NEVER MINE by Kunal Bhardwaj, Book Review

Love Was Never MineLove Was Never Mine by Kunal Bhardwaj

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

A good cover design. The first reason to pick up this book..

But the small font really pissed me off.. I read for minutes and I am still on the same page. Thats the worst when it comes to a book..

Coming to the first half of the story... The first of the story deserved a 0 outta 5 stars.. Damn!! I was 50 pages down and all I could make out was,

1. Rahul got a job.

2. There were 100 PCs in his workplace.

3. There is a girl he love who sits beside him

Damn, everything was so detailed and repeated that there is no need for you to read the whole paragraph. Just read the first few words and you will understand the whole parah, which has nothing to convey at all..

The second half was a bit fast paced compared to the first.. The only part when I felt as a reader was the last 20 - 30 pages..

The prologue seemed so interesting, but when you are done reaing the whole story, you feel it is not worth the time spent reading it..

A pure waste of time!!!

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