Tuesday 9 August 2011

34 BUBBLEGUMS AND CANDIES by Preeti Shenoy, Review

34 bubblegums and candies34 bubblegums and candies by Preeti Shenoy

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

When I first completed reading the first 2 chapters of the book... I was sure that it is a "girly" kind of a book.. It is not very usual I read these kinds of books.. and it is not very usual even for me to like books like this... But I did like it..

First of all, I admire Indian author.. Secondly, I admire Indian woman authors...

About the book: It is a collection of 34 experiences in a which is experienced by almost every Indian(male and female)...

I personally loved "Life is what you make it", which is Preeti Shenoy's second book and heard a lot of good reviews about her first book (which is this book), so I was tempted to read this book..

If you believe in book which are not-fascinating-but-a-must-read, then this is a perfect one...

The book had and will have a very inspirational and confident feeling on its readers....

View all my reviews

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