Thursday 27 October 2011

THE ROZABAL LINE (Revised Edition) by Ashwin Sanghi, Book Review

The Rozabal Line (Revised Edition)The Rozabal Line by Ashwin Sanghi

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

A boring book...

The reviews, so amazing. People were comparing this book with The Da Vinci Code and the author with Dan Brown. I was so tempted to read it.

All the book contained is a collection of myths of different religion which points out that jesus was not killed in the cruxifixion, but lived lived and died in India and supported Sacred Feminine with some more myths.

The book was so confusing. All the myths were connected using a fictious story, who confused me even more. The book would have been good, if it had only the last 25 pages. The last 25 pages of story is what was clear to me, the rest was a pure mess.

It might be used a myth-reference-guide, if didnt have that fictious story through out...

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Friday 21 October 2011

LOVE STORY by Erich Segal, Book Review

Love StoryLove Story by Erich Segal

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Best of love stories... as I heard it is.

First of all, about the edition. It was nice. Big Fonts. Less text per page. Anyone can read it at a pace of a page per 45 seconds. So a perfect edition for a guy like me.

Now about the story. This is my kind story. I've always like love stories, in which either of the leads die. Just like movies - A walk to remember, Sweet November, PS I love you... So this is a feast for me. A perfect love.. story.

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Sunday 16 October 2011

ONE AMAZING THING by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Book Review

One amazing thingOne amazing thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It is a completely a different read for me. All the books I read are mostly boring in the start and ended pretty interesting or boring the whole way. But this one was different, it was interesting in the start and got boring when i closed the book.

The description of the book is very exciting. 9 people from completely different background - religion, race, nationality, appearance, status, etc - meeting in a visa office and spending their life's longest hours in a building which would rubble any moment, sharing their own ONE AMAZING THING.

It has all the emotions - love, lust, trust, romance, suspense, devotion, etc - involved in the stories told. Each and every story is very touchy. But after about 3/4th of the book, I noticed that the movie was very prolonged. The stories are dragged.

As per me, the book was not a great one, but a good time-pass kind of a read. If you are really leisure you are complete it in one-go. Actually the stories forces you to complete it in one-go.

After completing reading it, when you are done with the book, that you feel bored. Ending is what predicts the entire impression of a book. All I could say is, it ended boring...

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Saturday 15 October 2011

The Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mahatma Gandhi, Book Review

The Story of My Experiments With TruthThe Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mahatma Gandhi

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

after reading this all i could say is.. wow, what a memory....

provided a vivid picture of the indians of old days and India itself...

the most of the experiments were about his vows and his diet.. after this, i started experiementing too.. that doesnt mean that the book influenced me but, my point of view is ofcourse changed..

Indians dont miss this one....

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Friday 14 October 2011

Guide to Health by Mahatma Gandhi, Book Review

Guide to HealthGuide to Health by Mahatma Gandhi

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Merely served the reason I bought it. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has mentioned about this book in his autobiography, The Story of My Experiments With Truth.

The description of this book was too much to be expected. Ever paragraph in the book, has the word 'pure air', 'pure water' and 'pure food'. Its no guide to health, its a guide to waste money. Not at all worth the cost.

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