Sunday 31 July 2011

THE IMMORTALS OF MELUHA by Amish Tripathi, Review

The Immortals of MeluhaThe Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathi

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is not that kind of a book I was expecting. I was expecting a book with lot of morals and Hindu myths. But this turned out to be a complete different.

But it was indeed a very good one. This is come under my category... FAST READ BECAUSE ITS GOOD.... If you are very leisure and have lots of time, you will try your best to complete in one read.

It consisted mostly of the Meluhan myths, which I believe are pure works of fictions.

Actually this book doesn't belond to be noted as a "BC story".. No way in BC we had technology like that.. It is a combination of both BC and a Modern era.

The names of the characters are used very brilliantly. I really admire a new-comer can make such a great deal. HATS OFF TO AMISH.

Just can't wait for the second book in the series...


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Saturday 30 July 2011

Think of starting a new blog

I am thinking of starting a new blog about my wild trips with enjoyment.. But I am too busy these days no time for it.. I will write every story of my wild trips in India at a Book-Standard.. Hope I start it soon..

Thursday 28 July 2011

SAS Survival Guide 2E (Collin Gem) by John "Lofty" Wiseman, Review

SAS Survival Guide 2E (Collins Gem)SAS Survival Guide 2E by John "Lofty" Wiseman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I am a outdoor kind of guy.. It is very essential for me to learn survival tactics incase of emergency and all..


It is THE BEST... Nothing can beat it.. It covers each and every worse-case sceanrios provided by the Mother Nature.. It covers all the regions from Desert to Glaciers.. Swamps to forests... hot to cold to tropical to humid... It is a one-stop deal for survival situation..

If you got lost in a wild place like (any )forest and if you have find this book in your backpack, man, you are most luckiest person on this earth..

The feature of the book which really fascinated is the GLOBAL EDIBLE PLANTS list.. There is a big list of edible, medicinal and extremely poisonous plants in the book.. which colour illustrations.. I never saw this feature in any other survival guide ever..

It has got the procedures of gutting the animals and all, clothing for a particular kind of region.. kinds of shelter that can be made with props around you..


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Wednesday 27 July 2011

ANNAPURNA by Maurice Herzog, Review

AnnapurnaAnnapurna by Maurice Herzog

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


The expedition of 8 French people, started to conquer 2 "Eight THousander" - Dhaulagiri and Annapurna.

The first half of the book deals with the ridges and reconnaissance in search for the route to summit of DHAULAGIRI. After a lot of effort and time, they will learn that DHAULAGIRI is inaccesible...

Now the quest to the summit of ANNAPURNA starts. 3 ridges (routes) to the summit are proved fatal and dangerous. But at last one ridge is discovered by one party of reconnaissance.

Finally 2 out of 8 members - Herzog and Lachenal - make it to summit in worst conditions with their limbs forst-bitten.

Finally, ANNPURNA is conquered. But it is not over yet, they are very far and about 8000 meters away form the civilization. The descent was so horrifying with frost-bitten limbs and lack of proper treatment...


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Tuesday 26 July 2011

2 STATES by Chetan Bhagat, Review

2 states: the story of my marriage2 states: the story of my marriage by Chetan Bhagat

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

took me 6 days to complete.. ofcourse i am a really slow reader.. there are lots of ppl who completed it in just 5hrs!!!

it shows the vivid picture of the average indian family.. and i totally enjoyed the read... entertaining enough... worth a read one...

And the best part is, this is gonna filmed soon with SRK in the lead role!!!

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Saturday 23 July 2011


Came across this small sized SNAPPING TURTLE.. It was very cool, to see turtle in house for me.. But this one looked like a ordinary turtle, so I went so close to its mouth, then it suddenly snapped out of its shell and almost bit my finger.

Since it is small I was fine.. It was just 4-5 inches.. If it was the average size of its family, then my finger would have been its lunch for today...

This is their average size, and they are very good at snapping your finger off of your hands!!!

Friday 22 July 2011

INTO THE WILD by Jon Krakauer

Into the WildInto the Wild by Jon Krakauer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

best book i've ever read...

most ppl call it stupidity, idiocrasy and work of an mentally retarded... but i call it life... following your dream..

you may have a lot of many, lot of property and stuff... but at the end of the day, what all matters is your dream...

hats off, Christopher Johnson McCandless...

This is the book, which completely changed my life.. It completely sweptme off my feet... changed my life for completely like 180 degrees... i no more think like i used to... this book has just provided me a new aspect of thinking..


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FIVE POINT SOMEONE by Chetan Bhagat, Review

Five Point Someone: What Not to Do at IITFive Point Someone: What Not to Do at IIT by Chetan Bhagat

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

i just figured out that 3 idiots is inspired from this book...

liked it alot... chetan is one of the best author of India..

a perfect ten...

it is a must read.. very entertaining one...

read this one when i heard about the controversy of a great bollywood blockbuster 3 IDIOTS...

but ya seems alot like the book.. they are very similar dialogue, almost the same dialogues.. but there are some minors changes though...

about the book, a good entertainer.. i am a very slow reader, but i completed this in just 2 days, that is one of my record reads.. i rush through books for 2 reasons...

1. they must be boring, so i want to get out of it fast..

2. they must so interesting, i cant resist reading it fast..

this book is definetely comes under the latter category.. joyful one.

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